Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Swedish Meatballs, HERE WE COME.

If you know me well you know I have been crazy about IKEA opening here in Cincinnati. I have been following the rumors that started about 2 years ago, and waiting, ever so patiently for this day to come. When we finally saw the press release in August of 2006 that they were coming somewhere in Cincinnati, we were H-A-P-P-Y. (We being myself, my sister, a few close friends, and THOUSANDS of Ohioians...Don't include Brett in that WE..he thinks I have gone off the deep end, and he's a little scared.) Then, when they announced that it would be 10 minutes from my house, (the news lady actually said that) BONUS!

You see, I was one, like MANY, MANY others, that took the long trek to get to the nearest store and stock up about once a year. I would grab a friend, (usually a sister or 2) and we would head to the IKEA near Chicago (which by the way is the BEST around). Now why would I drive all that way to visit one single store?? Well, just go have a little visit, plan on it taking a while.

So, for the past months we have been driving by and watching the growth and progress being made to the big,beautiful, royal blue and yellow building, as my kids all scream in unison, "Hi IKEA!"

It opens in 1 month. SEE YOU THERE :)


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